
Collaboration with CityGard

Container gardens that remove CO₂!? That’s nonsense, isn’t it?

Well, it really can be. And we’re not talking about the plants that store CO₂ as they grow, because that doesn’t put sedum sod in container gardens. No, the low container gardens we just placed in Schiedam can remove up to 25 kilograms of CO₂ each, and tall gardens up to 100 kilograms!

We placed the gardens in collaboration with CityGard the secret is in the minerals we added to the nutrient soil (substrate) under the plants. Of course, the CO₂ does not dissolve into nothingness, but disappears from “the cycle.

To understand this, it helps to know what the CO₂ cycle normally looks like: when it rains, the falling raindrops take some of the CO₂ from our atmosphere with them. Nice, you might say. Rain is slowly solving our CO₂ problem! But alas, that CO₂ eventually comes back into the atmosphere through the ground, waterways and ocean.

Unless… that cycle is broken somewhere….

And that’s where our method comes in. The minerals they have mixed into our little garden react with the CO₂. It still ends up in the ocean eventually, but captured as a bicarbonate solution. Not only does this combat acidification of our waterways and ocean, but the captured CO₂ does not return to the atmosphere!

This application is being fully tested with the goal of removing megatons of CO₂ from the atmosphere by 2030. And we are happy to participate! Spread the word!