CO₂ smart garden soil

Discover our CO₂-smart, peat-free garden soil, which not only improves soil health but also actively contributes to the climate by permanently removing CO₂!
Start gardening more sustainably today!

How does our CO₂ Smart Garden Soil work?

Our soil is an innovative, specially formulated peat-free soil designed to enhance soil structure while achieving permanent CO₂ removal. This soil is ideal for enriching gardens, flower beds, lawns, raising borders, and providing a healthy growth foundation for plants. What makes CO₂ Smart Soil unique is the addition of wollastonite. Through the natural weathering process of this mineral, CO₂ is permanently sequestered, contributing to reducing atmospheric CO₂ levels and fostering a sustainable environment. Follow us on LinkedIn for more information.

Discover our revolutionary peat-free garden soil! An innovative solution that permanently removes CO₂ from the atmosphere.


Symbolen van CO₂ Slimme Tuinaarde voordelen: betere wateropname, verbeterde plantengroei, CO₂-opslag in de bodem en duurzaam wetenschappelijk onderzoek.


Improved soil structure

  • The addition of organic matter, such as coir and green compost, significantly improves soil structure.

Healthy root development

  • The good permeability of the substrate promotes healthy root development.

Moisture regulation

  • Retains moisture, which is beneficial during dry periods, while coir helps to better regulate moisture in the soil.

Slow degradation of organic substances

  • Coir provides a slow decomposition of organic matter, contributing to a long-term and stable soil structure.

Soil improver

  • Coconut increases oxygen levels in the soil, which improves root respiration and promotes plant growth.

CO₂ uptake

  • The addition of Wo20 permanently removes CO₂ from the atmosphere through natural weathering processes.


  • Our garden soil contains no peat, which helps preserve peatlands and prevent emissions of stored CO₂.

Meer weten? Neem via onderstaand contactformulier contact met ons op over de mogelijkheden van onze tuinaarde.

Verbetert de bodemkwaliteit

Improve soil quality


  • Increases soil fertility and structure.
  • Stimulates healthy growth of plants.
  • Contributes to more sustainable land use without the use of peat.
CO₂ Slimme Tuinaarde draagt bij aan CO₂-reductie: beeld van groen bos met CO₂-gerelateerde woorden en een rode ‘X’ die uitstoot symbolisch tegenwerkt

CO₂ storage through natural processes


  • Removes CO₂ permanently from the atmosphere.
  • Uses innovative technologies such as Enhanced Rock Weathering.
  • Active contribution to a better climate.
Gezonde tuin dankzij CO₂ Slimme Tuinaarde: bloeiende struiken, bomen en een wandelpad in een duurzaam onderhouden groene omgeving.

Sustainable and environmentally friendly


  • Completely peat-free, preservation of vulnerable peatlands.
  • Protects nature and supports biodiversity.
  • Positive impact on the environment.